Meet the Top Ten Trainer Thought Leaders to Follow in 2024 by DCi Psychology

Meet the Top Ten Trainer Thought Leaders to Follow in 2024 by DCi Psychology We are thrilled to announce the definitive list of the ten trainer thought leaders you should follow in 2024. These visionaries are at the cutting edge, blending Directive Communication psychology with their own unique strategies to revolutionize how we think about […]

Kesalahan awal seorang Entrepreneur bisa ditangkal pake ini!

Mulai dengan ‘Cukup SATU Income Stream’ dulu. Millionaires asli, lebih menerapkan first, one ‘solid’ income stream. Setelah gelasnya penuh, baru diversifikasi, dibagi ke gelas2 lain. Kesalahan awal seorang Entrepreneur, dia mencoba menjalankan segalanya. Energi dan fokusnya terbagi, padahal fondasinya belum kuat. Bangun dulu satu fondasi solid dan kuat, baru diversifikasi. Ini cerita saya: Saya memulai […]